“The Personal Space Weather Station”, QST, vol. 102, 12 vol., no. 4, pp. 38-41, 2018.
, “Simple and Accurate Variable Frequency RF Signal Generator”, QEX, no. 310, pp. 3-7, 2018.
, “A Virtuous Cycle: Hams and Scientists Helping Each Other”, CQ Amateur Radio, vol. 74, 12 vol., no. 5, pp. 32-35, 2018.
, “Amateur Radio in the 21st Century”, in HamSCI-UK, Milton Keynes, UK, 2017.
, “Analysis of the August 2017 Eclipse’s Effect on Radio Wave Propagation Employing a Raytrace Algorithm”, in NSF CEDAR (Coupling, Energetics, and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions), Keystone, CO, 2017.
, “Anthropogenic Space Weather”, in HamSCI-UK, Milton Keynes, UK, 2017.
, “Collaborative Use of Solar Eclipses to Study the Ionosphere”, in HamSCI-UK, Milton Keynes, UK, 2017.
, “Developing a Solar Eclipse Simulation for Greater Good”, in ARRL and TAPR Digital Communications Conference, St. Louis, MO, 2017.
, “Effects of the 2017 Solar Eclipse on HF Radio Propagation and the D-Region Ionosphere: Citizen Science Investigation”, in American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2017.
, “Faraday Rotation of Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Signals as a Method of Ionospheric Characterization”, Radio Sci., vol. 52, no. 10, pp. 1293 - 1300, 2017.
, “Fitting Ionospheric Models Using Real-Time HF Amateur Radio Observations”, in NSF CEDAR (Coupling, Energetics, and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions), Keystone, CO, 2017.
, “HamSCI and the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse”, in NSF CEDAR (Coupling, Energetics, and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions), Keystone, CO, 2017.
, “HamSCI and the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse”, in HamSCI-UK, Milton Keynes, UK, 2017.
, “HamSCI and the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse”, in 2017 Annual Meeting of the APS Mid-Atlantic Section, Newark, NJ, 2017.
, “HamSCI and the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse”, in American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2017.
, “HamSCI and the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse (Experiment Description)”, in ARRL and TAPR Digital Communications Conference, St. Louis, MO, 2017.
, “HamSCI and the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse (First Results)”, in ARRL and TAPR Digital Communications Conference, St. Louis, MO, 2017.
, “HamSCI: The Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation (Banquet Presentation)”, in NSF CEDAR (Coupling, Energetics, and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions), Keystone, CO, 2017.
, “The H.A.R.C. Database and Visualization Utilities”, in ARRL and TAPR Digital Communications Conference, St. Louis, MO, 2017.
, “Introduction to Space Weather and Propagation”, in Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH, 2017.
, “Ionospheric Impacts of the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse”, in Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH, 2017.
, “Ionospheric Simulations of the 2017 Solar Eclipse QSO Party”, in NSF CEDAR (Coupling, Energetics, and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions), Keystone, CO, 2017.
, “Magnetometers and Riometers”, in HamSCI-UK, Milton Keynes, UK, 2017.
, “Outstanding Problems in Radio Propagation”, in HamSCI-UK, Milton Keynes, UK, 2017.
, “Practical investigation of the polarisation of 50MHz signals”, in HamSCI-UK, Milton Keynes, UK, 2017.