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“Lunar Dust Particle Simulation in the (12-6) Lennard-Jones Potential Approximation”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “Mid-latitude Irregularities in the Early Results from the Ionospheric Sounding Mode Using Chirp Ionosondes of Opportunity for the HamSCI Personal Space Weather Station”, HamSCI Workshop 2021. HamSCI, Scranton, PA (Virtual), 2021.
, “Mid-latitude Irregularities Observed by the Oblique Ionosonde Sounding Mode for the HamSCI Personal Space Weather Station”, HamSCI Workshop 2022. HamSCI, Huntsville, AL, 2022.
, “Modeling Amateur Radio Soundings of the Ionospheric Response to the 2017 Great American Eclipse”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 45, 2018.
, “Modeling Amateur Radio Soundings of the Ionospheric Response to the 2017 Great American Eclipse”, in Fall AGU, Washington, DC, 2018.
, “Observations of Mid-latitude Irregularities Using the Oblique Ionosonde Sounding Mode for the HamSCI Personal Space Weather Station”, in NSF CEDAR (Coupling, Energetics, and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions), Virtual, 2021.
, “Observations of Mid-latitude Irregularities Using the Oblique Ionosonde Sounding Mode for the HamSCI Personal Space Weather Station (Proceedings)”, ARRL-TAPR Digital Communications Conference. ARRL-TAPR, Virtual, 2021.
, “Observations of Mid-latitude Irregularities Using the Oblique Ionosonde Sounding Mode for the HamSCI Personal Space Weather Station”, in American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2021.
, “An Overview of Oblique Soundings from Chirp Ionosondes”, HamSCI Workshop 2022. HamSCI, Huntsville, AL, 2022.
, “Plasma Bubble and Blob Events in the F-region Ionosphere”, HamSCI Workshop 2021. HamSCI, Scranton, PA (Virtual), 2021.
, “PyLap: An Open Source Python Interface to the PHaRLAP Ionospheric Raytracing Toolkit”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “Ray Tracing in Python Utilizing the PHaRLAP Engine”, HamSCI Workshop 2022. HamSCI, Huntsville, AL, 2022.
, “Simultaneous observations of mid-latitude Ionospheric Irregularities in HamSCI Personal Space Weather Station and SuperDARN radar”, SuperDARN Workshop. SANSA, Virtual, 2021.
, “Sounding the Ionosphere with Signals of Opportunity in the High-Frequency (HF) Band”, in HamSCI Workshop 2019, Cleveland, OH, 2019.
, “The Sun and the Earthquakes”, HamSCI Workshop 2021. HamSCI, Scranton, PA (Virtual), 2021.
, “Toward Developing an Algorithm for Separation of Transmitters of High Frequency Chirp Signals of Opportunity for the Purpose of Ionospheric Sounding”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “University of Michigan Space Weather Sensor Package”, HamSCI Workshop 2024. HamSCI, Cleveland, OH, 2024.
, “Validating Ionospheric Models Against Technologically Relevant MetricsAbstractPlain Language SummaryKey Points”, Space Weather, vol. 21, no. 12, 2023.
, “Web-Based Application for the Visualization and Analysis of Ionogram Data Observed by GNU Chirpsounder2”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.