December 2020 Eclipse Festival of Frequency Measurement
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Calling all stations: Join us for
The December 2020 Eclipse Festival of Frequency Measurement

Contact information:
Kristina Collins:
Research Questions
- How do the propagation paths of shortwave time standard stations vary over a calendar day?
- What properties of the ionosphere are we able to measure by observing the variation in these HF propagation paths?
- What effect will the eclipse have on these propagation paths?
- How do various measurement techniques for understanding the path variation compare?
- Is there volunteer interest in collecting data in the regions near totality for this eclipse?
- Promote international goodwill by working with citizen scientists around the globe
- Measure Doppler shifts caused by space weather's effects on the ionosphere.
- Use a specified measurement protocol available to amateur radio operators and other citizen-scientists.
- Practice Runs: 21 November 2020, 0000 – 2359 UTC, 5 December 2020, 0000 – 2359 UTC
- Data recording starts: 9 December 2020, 0000 UTC
- Data recording ends: 16 December 2020, 2359 UTC
The Beacons
There are multiple time standard stations which can be heard in South America. The Brazilian station PPE (10 MHz) will be the primary beacon for this experiment. You may also pick up signals from the Venezuelan station YVTO (5 MHz), the Argentinian station LOL (10 MHz), WWV, WWVH and BPM. This experiment will use only the 10 MHz transmissions. If you can't get a good signal on 10 MHz, record another frequency and make sure the file is labeled appropriately. The recordings in this experiment are expected to show formations of the D-layer at stations' local sunrise and other daily events of the ionosphere, and the effects of the eclipse. Space weather varies day to day and some features may be prominent. We'll see what we get!
1) Sign up on the Interest List
Fill out the survey here to sign up for the email list. You will receive occasional updates and reminders.
2) Prepare Your Receiver
- Tune your radio (in AM mode) to the carrier signal.
- Set your receiver's mode to USB (upper sideband). For a 10 MHz carrier, tune to 9.999 MHz (9999.000 kHz - see image) and listen for the 1000 Hz tone. This is the main thing we'll be looking for when we analyze your data.
- If you have an adjustable filter in your receiver, set it as close to 2.5 kHz as possible.
We will be advising most participants to use an 8kHz sampling rate in the section below. If your radio is relatively new (manufactured after the year 2000 or so) that should be just fine. If you're running an older radio, however, your filters may not have a sharp enough cutoff. (You can see this process in a video here.) To check the filter bandwidth on your receiver:
- Tune your radio (in AM mode) to the carrier signal.
- Set your receiver's mode to USB (upper sideband). For a 10 MHz carrier, tune to 9.999 MHz (9999.000 kHz - see image) and listen for the 1000 Hz tone. Tune down to 9.998 MHz and listen for the higher 2000 Hz tone. Finally, tune down to 9.997 MHz and see if you hear a 3000 Hz tone. If you don't hear a strong carrier signal, you're fine - stick with 8 kHz. If you do hear the tone, you may want to use a higher sampling frequency in Step 5 below. 22050 Hz is a pretty good bet. You can gauge the filesize for different settings here.
3) Prepare Your Computer and Software
- Under Artist Name, put your callsign. (If you are a shortwave listener and not a ham, please use your name or SWL callsign.)
- Under Album Title, put "December 2020 Eclipse."
- Under Year, 2020.
- Under Genre, put your radio model.
- Email Address
- Rig
- Antenna
- Sound Card
- Frequency
- AGC (on or off)
- Latitude (please use decimals, not minutes and seconds!)
- Longitude
- Elevation (m)
- Time zone (Format example: UTC-05:00)
- Grid Square
- Country
IMPORTANT: If you have multiple radios collecting data simultaneously under a single callsign, add a hyphen and station number for each station wherever you would otherwise use the callsign. For example, if station W8EDU is running data collection simultaneously on a Flex radio and an Icom radio, they should label one as W8EDU-1 and the other as W8EDU-2, include a comment in the metadata for each station explaining that the operator ran multiple stations, and make sure that the metadata is correct and complete. This will make it much easier to sort through the data from the experiment during the analysis phase.