HamSCI Featured in QST
HamSCI Featured in QST

Saturday, September 17, 2016 - 13:16
Friday, August 5, 2016 - 17:39
Submitted 8 years 7 months ago by w2naf.
In an article by Ward Silver, N0AX, the American Radio Relay League has featured HamSCI in the August 2016 (Pages 68-71) issue of QST. Ward's article discusses some history of amateur radio involvement in science, the vision of HamSCI, and a description of ham radio activities for the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse. Download a free PDF of the full article here.
In addition, the August 2016 QST inlcudes a full-page profile of HamSCI member Magda Moses, KM4EGE (Page 13). Congratulations, Magda!