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The HamSCI Community is led by The University of Scranton Department of Physics and Engineering W3USR, in collaboration with Case Western Reserve University W8EDU, the University of Alabama, the New Jersey Institute of Technology Center for Solar Terrestrial Physics K2MFF, the MIT Haystack Observatory, TAPR, additional collaborating universities and institutions, and volunteer members of the amateur radio and citizen science communities. We are grateful for the financial support of the United States National Science FoundationNASA, and Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC).

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The abstract submission window for the 2025 HamSCI Workshop, to be held at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, March 14-15, 2025, is now open.  The abstract submission deadline, for both oral presentations and posters, is February 10, 2025.  Abstracts can submitted via this link:  2025 Workshop Abstract Submission

The week of December 9, 2024 many HamSCI members are presenting their research at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. The AGU Annual meeting is one of the largest professional geoscience meetings in the world, and consists of over 25,000 attendees from over 100 countries. The scientific program includes sessions pertaining to all areas of geophysics, including space weather, the solar wind, auroral activity, the ionosphere, and the neutral atmosphere. Below is a list of selected presentations and sessions being given by HamSCI members (and friends), or of general interest to ham radio operators. The complete scientific program is available here.

The first issue of the new HamSCI newsletter is now available! Issues contain news about past and future HamSCI happenings, such as research projects, in-person meetings and on-air events. Many issues include HamSCI member profiles, stories on tools and techniques used in HamSCI's research work, plus general interest pieces. Reading the HamSCI Newsletter is a great way to learn about what, who, how and why HamSCI is making the connection between space physics and amateur radio! Special thanks to Ed Efchak WX2R for being the driving force behind this, Dr. Mary Lou West KC2NMC for editing and writing, and Vikki Lawhon for graphics design and layout. The HamSCI newsletter archive can be found at