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“Reworking the MUSIC Algorithm to Mitigate MSTID Direction Estimation Bias Associated with SuperDARN Radar Field-of-View Geometry”, HamSCI Workshop 2024. HamSCI, Cleveland, OH, 2024.
, “Signatures of Space Weather in the NJIT V1 Grape Low-IF Receiver”, HamSCI Workshop 2024. 2024.
, “Climatology of Large Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed with Amateur Radio Networks”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “FDTD for Geophysical Applications”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “A Few Science Questions that HamSCI Can Help Address During the 2023 and 2024 Eclipses”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “Heliophysics and amateur radio: citizen science collaborations for atmospheric, ionospheric, and space physics research and operations”, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, vol. 10, 2023.
, “Heliophysics and amateur radio: citizen science collaborations for atmospheric, ionospheric, and space physics research and operations”, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, vol. 10, 2023.
, “Heliophysics and amateur radio: citizen science collaborations for atmospheric, ionospheric, and space physics research and operations”, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, vol. 10, 2023.
, “Low-Cost Low-Power Ionosonde”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “Medium Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances and their Connection to the Lower and Middle Atmosphere”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “Medium Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances and their Connection to the Lower and Middle Atmosphere”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “A New Station for the W3USR University of Scranton Amateur Radio Club”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “The North Dakota Dual Aurora Camera Version 2.0 (NoDDAC2.0), a Platform for Citizen Science and a Use Case for Implementing Best Practices in Open Data and Collaboration”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “PyLap: An Open Source Python Interface to the PHaRLAP Ionospheric Raytracing Toolkit”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “An Algorithm for Determining the Timing of Components within the HamSCI-WWV/WWVH Scientific Test Signal”, HamSCI Workshop 2022. HamSCI, Huntsville, AL, 2022.
, “Amateur Radio: An Integral Tool for Atmospheric, Ionospheric, and Space Physics Research and Operations”, White Paper Submitted to the National Academy of Sciences Decadal Survey for Solar and Space Physics (Heliophysics) 2024-2033, 2022.
, “Climatology of Large Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed by HamSCI Amateur Radio with Connections to Geospace and Neutral Atmospheric Sources”, HamSCI Workshop 2022. HamSCI, Huntsville, AL, 2022.
, “Fostering Collaborations with the Amateur Radio Community”, White Paper Submitted to the National Academy of Sciences Decadal Survey for Solar and Space Physics (Heliophysics) 2024-2033, 2022.
, “Potential Science Opportunities for HamSCI in Antarctica”, HamSCI Workshop 2022. HamSCI, Huntsville, AL, 2022.
, “Properties and Drivers of Plasma Irregularities in the High-Latitude Ionosphere Computed using Novel Incoherent Scatter Radar Techniques”, HamSCI Workshop 2022. HamSCI, Huntsville, AL, 2022.
, “SMART -- Expanding Array of Low Cost Magnetometers”, HamSCI Workshop 2022. HamSCI, Huntsville, AL, 2022.
, “Three Time-of-Flight Measurement Projects on a Common Hardware Platform”, HamSCI Workshop 2022. HamSCI, Huntsville, AL, 2022.
, “Amateur Radio Communications as a Novel Sensor of Large Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (Invited)”, in American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2021.
, “Climatology of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed by HamSCI Amateur Radio with Connections to Geospace and Neutral Atmospheric Sources”, ARRL-TAPR Digital Communications Conference. ARRL-TAPR, Virtual, 2021.
, “Climatology of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed by HamSCI Amateur Radio with Connections to Geospace and Neutral Atmospheric Sources”, in American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2021.