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M. L. Moses, Burujupali, S., Brosie, K., Dixit, S., Earle, G. D., Kordella, L., Frissell, N. A., and Chitale, C., Analysis of the August 2017 Eclipse’s Effect on Radio Wave Propagation Employing a Raytrace Algorithm, in NSF CEDAR (Coupling, Energetics, and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions), Keystone, CO, 2017.
A. C. Cushley, Kabin, K., and Noël, J. - M., Faraday Rotation of Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Signals as a Method of Ionospheric Characterization, Radio Sci., vol. 52, no. 10, pp. 1293 - 1300, 2017.
J. D. Katz, Frissell, N. A., Vega, J. S., Gerrard, A. J., Gerzoff, R. B., Erickson, P. J., Miller, E. S., Moses, M. L., Ceglia, F., Pascoe, D., Sinanis, N., Smith, P., Williams, R., and Shovkoplyas, A., Fitting Ionospheric Models Using Real-Time HF Amateur Radio Observations, in NSF CEDAR (Coupling, Energetics, and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions), Keystone, CO, 2017.
M. Moses, Earle, G., Burujupalli, S., Frissell, N. A., Kordella, L., Dixit, S., Chitale, C., and Han, X., Ionospheric Impacts of the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse, in Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH, 2017.
N. A. Frissell, Vega, J. S., Katz, J. D., Moses, M. L., Earle, G. D., Gunning, S. W., Gerrard, A. J., Miller, E. S., West, M. L., Ceglia, F., Pascoe, D., Sinanis, N., Smith, P., Williams, R., Shovkoplyas, A., and Silver, H. W., Ionospheric Simulations of the 2017 Solar Eclipse QSO Party, in NSF CEDAR (Coupling, Energetics, and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions), Keystone, CO, 2017.
W. Liles, Mitchell, C., Cohen, M., Earle, G., Frissell, N., Kirby-Patel, K., Lukes, L., Miller, E., Moses, M., Nelson, J., and Rockway, J., On the use of solar eclipses to study the ionosphere, in 15th International Ionospheric Effects Symposium IES2017, Alexandria, VA, 2017.
S. Cowling, FPGA-based HF transceiver running on an RPi with a MW loop antenna that works well indoors (Demonstration), in HamSCI Workshop 2019, Cleveland, OH, 2019.
M. S. Islam, Xereas, G., Chodavarapu, V. P., and Mandal, S., GPS-disciplined MEMS oscillators for amateur radio applications (Poster), in HamSCI Workshop 2019, Cleveland, OH, 2019.
S. Cerwin, Ionospheric Disturbances at Dawn, Dusk, and During the 2017 Eclipse, in HamSCI Workshop 2019, Cleveland, OH, 2019.
S. Cerwin, Ionospheric Disturbances at Dawn, Dusk, and During the 2017 Eclipse, in Hamvention HamSCI Forum, Xenia, OH, 2019.
N. A. Frissell, Sanchez, D. F., Markowitz, E., Perry, G. W., Engelke, W. D., Coster, A., Erickson, P. J., J. Ruohoniemi, M., and Baker, J. B. H., Large Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed using HamSCI Amateur Radio, SuperDARN, and GNSS TEC, in American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2019.
K. Collins, Kazdan, D., Gibbons, J., Montare, A., Dannhoff, S., Erickson, P. J., and Frissell, N. A., A Low-Cost Citizen Science HF Doppler Receiver for Measuring Ionospheric Variability, in American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2019.
S. Cowling, A Modular SDR for HamSCI and Other Users, in HamSCI Workshop 2019, Cleveland, OH, 2019.
J. Ackermann, Cowling, S., Erickson, P. J., Frissell, N. A., Kim, H., Liles, W., McDermott, T., and Silver, W., PSWS Science Requirements Panel Discussion (Panel), in HamSCI Workshop 2019, Cleveland, OH, 2019.
E. S. Miller, Bust, G. S., Perry, G. W., Kaeppler, S. R., Vierinen, J., Frissell, N. A., Knuth, A. A., Erickson, P. J., Nikoukar, R., Chartier, A. T., Santos, P., Brum, C., Fentzke, J. T., Hanley, T. R., and Gerrard, A. J., Sounding the Ionosphere with Signals of Opportunity in the High-Frequency (HF) Band, in HamSCI Workshop 2019, Cleveland, OH, 2019.
S. Cowling, Update on Personal Space Weather Station & SDR Hardware, in Hamvention HamSCI Forum, Xenia, OH, 2019.