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A. T. Chartier, Steele, J., Sugar, G., Themens, D. R., Vines, S. K., and Huba, J. D., Validating Ionospheric Models Against Technologically Relevant MetricsAbstractPlain Language SummaryKey Points, Space Weather, vol. 21, no. 12, 2023.
S. Chakraborty, J. Ruohoniemi, M., and Baker, J. B. H., Viability of nowcasting solar flare-driven radio-blackouts using SuperDARN HF radars, HamSCI Workshop 2021. HamSCI, 2021.
S. Chakraborty, J. Ruohoniemi, M., and Baker, J. B. H., Viability of Nowcasting Solar Flare-Driven Radio-Blackouts Using SuperDARN HF Radars, HamSCI Workshop 2022. HamSCI, Huntsville, AL, 2022.
S. Chakraborty, J. Ruohoniemi, M., and Baker, J. B. H., Viability of Nowcasting Solar Flare-Driven Radio-Blackouts Using SuperDARN HF Radars, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
R. Moseson, A Virtuous Cycle: Hams and Scientists Helping Each Other, CQ Amateur Radio, vol. 74, 12 vol., no. 5, pp. 32-35, 2018.
G. Griffiths and Robinett, R., Visualising propagation to mid-latitudes from a shipboard WSPR transmitter on a passage from 27˚N to 70˚S using the WsprDaemon database, and how to access the data, HamSCI Workshop 2021. HamSCI, Scranton, PA (Virtual), 2021.
S. Hamilton and Suslowicz, C., Visualizing the Electromagnetic Spectrum in the Time Domain (ePoster), in HamSCI Workshop 2020, Scranton, PA, 2020.
J. Rizzo, VLF LEAF Module for the Tangerine SDR DCC 2021 Update, ARRL-TAPR Digital Communications Conference. ARRL-TAPR, Virtual, 2021.
J. Rizzo, VLF LEAF Module for the Tangerine SDR HamSCI Workshop 2022 Progress Update, HamSCI Workshop 2022. HamSCI, Huntsville, AL, 2022.
J. Rizzo, VLF Module for Tangerine SDR Progress Update, HamSCI Workshop 2021. HamSCI, Scranton, PA (Virtual), 2021.
W. Liles, VLF Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance Receiver (Demonstration), in HamSCI Workshop 2019, Cleveland, OH, 2019.
W. Liles, Lukes, L., Nelson, J., and Kerby-Patel, K., VLF/LF and the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse, in Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH, 2017.