Grape 1 Contributors: Recognition and Acknowledgement

HamSCI would like to recognize the following individuals for their contributions to the Grape 1 project:

Names are listed in random order.  Many names are followed by their personal amateur radio callsigns.

Science Team: Researchers

Nathaniel Frissell, W2NAF
Rachel Boedicker, AC8XY
Veronica Romanek, KD2UHN
Kristina Collins, KD8OXT
Gareth Perry, KD2SAK
Sabastian Fernandes
Tiago Trigo

Technical: Hardware Designers, Software Architects, Software Developers

John Gibbons, N8OBJ
David Kazdan, AD8Y
Bill Engelke, AB4EJ
Cole Robbins
Nicholas Muscolino
Anderson Liddle
Cuong Nguyen, KC3UAX
Bill Blackwell, AB1XB
Bob Benedict, KD8CGH

Logistics: Project Leads, System Builders, Documentation, Web and User Support

Nathaniel Frissell, W2NAF
Kristina Collins, KD8OXT
Rachel Boedecker, AC8XY
Gary Mikitin, AF8A
Peter Nordberg, N1ZRG
Stan Pozerski, KD1LE
George Kavanagh, KB1HFT
Bob Reif, W1XP
Bill Blackwell, AB1XB
Jim Farmer, K4BSE
Joe Hobart, W7LUX
Chas (Randy) Allen, N4TVC

Operational: Grape System Hosts (data contributors)

Darrel Emerson, AA7FV
Bill Blackwell, AB1XB
Michael Hauan, AC0G
Todd Christell, AD0RR
David Kazdan, AD8Y
Gary Mikitin, AF8A
Gareth Perry (NJIT ARC), K2MFF
Jim Farmer, K4BSE
Milton Gibson, K9ATR
George Fremin III, K5TR
George Kavanagh, KB1HFT
Red Willoughby, KC4LE 
Stanley Pozerski, KD1LE
Art Botterell, KD6O
Steve Miller, KD6SPB
Bob Benedict, KD8CGH
James Niemann, KD8SYG
Charles Skoning, KE9SA
Lee Phebus, KF7YRS
Chris Prosser, KI7DLN
Kirk Kendrick, KK2Z 
Charles Smydeer, KK4HP 
Beau Bruce, KM4YMI
Ward Silver, N0AX
Kerry Case, N1URT
Peter Nordberg, N1ZRG
Steve London, N2IC
Randy Allen, N4TVC
John Gibbons, N8OBJ
Bill Echols, NI5F
Robert Wagenvoort, PA0RWT
Drs. Wim Apon, PA0SLT
David Evans, VA7DXX
Dave Swartz, W0DAS
Bob Reif, W1XP
Nathaniel Frissell, W2NAF
Ethan Yoshio Kita (Cal Poly ARC), W6BHZ
Joe Hobart, W7LUX
Mike Bass, WA9TKK
Edward Hall, WC0Y
David Hinerman, WD8CIV
Walt Lilly, KE0KVI
John Lauber, WI6P


Grants Leadership: Roles and Institutions

Dr. Nathaniel Frissell, Lead Principal Investigator, The University of Scranton
Dr. Travis Atkinson, Co-Investigator, The University of Alabama
Dr. Christian Zorman, Co-Investigator, Case Western Reserve University

A number of the individuals listed in the sections above have authored papers and/or presented at workshops and conferences on the Grape 1 and associated topics. Links to their publications and presentations can be found by searching for their names on the HamSCI website.

HamSCI would like to recognize these organizations for their support:

Five Grape Institutions.jpeg
HamSCI wishes to acknowledge National Science Foundation grants AGS-2002278, AGS-2230345, AGS-1932997, AGS-2230346, AGS-1932972


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Any errors or omissions on this page are solely the responsibility of this page’s editor, Gary Mikitin.  He may be contacted, with corrections or suggestions, via