SEQP, GSSC and TDOA Logs Are Rolling In
SEQP, GSSC and TDOA Logs Are Rolling In

Have you submitted your log?
HamSCI's Festivals of Eclipse Ionospheric Science events are experiencing a tremendous response from the ham radio community. Only 4 days past the total solar eclipse over North America:
- We’ve already received well over 350 logs for our signature event, the Solar Eclipse QSO Party (SEQP). That number is 50% ahead of last October's event, and the log submission window is open until May 7th.
- Participation in the Gladstone Signal Spotting Challenge (GSSC), where our radio wave propagation enthusiast entries number 110 so far, is running about 25% ahead of last October.
- The third operating event, the Time Delay of Arrival Event, drew interest from over 50 HamSCI members and non-members alike. Files of received audio transmissions are still being collected.
Our reach has been far and wide, with participants not only across the US, but in Canada, the UK, Reunion Island (Africa), India and more.
If you participated in any of the above, please submit a log (SEQP) complete an entry form (GSSC), or provide your recordings (TDOA). Your results can be submitted as follows (details on these pages):
TDOA (Look for links to the Pre-Event Checklist - Contact information on the last page)
Reports are expected soon from the organizers of the other FoEIS Events: VLF Reception, MW Recordings Event, Grape 1 and Grape 2 Doppler Receiver Experiments, and the CWRU/CHU Reception Experiment.