N6NC Publishes Propagation Research Articles in QEX
N6NC Publishes Propagation Research Articles in QEX

A key component of the HamSCI mission is to encourage amateurs to conduct and share their own research and experiments. Larry Serra N6NC recently published two articles in QEX Magazine from his trans-North Pacific 40m propagation projects: The first, "Why Summer 40m Propagation Is So Good Between Japan and the US Pacific Coast" (QEX SEPT/OCT 2022 p.14), examined 12 years of July JA-US 40m propagation conditions and CW Skimmer results on days of JA domestic CW contests and proposed that the relatively calm water under the almost wall-to-wall summertime North Pacific HIGH pressure centers provided nearly +12dBm enhanced low-angle signal strength due to a reduction of surface reflection absorptions in the 3-ionospheric refraction, 2-sea surface reflection propagation path.
The second article, "A Make-Do Ham Interferometer To Determine Elevation Angles of Arriving RF Signals" (QEX MAR/APR 2023 p.17) explained how a simple digital calculating oscilloscope, measured coax lines and two small, inexpensive PA0RDT active antennas can be used with some math to calculate and confirm the angles of arrival (AoAs) of shortwave signals.
We thank the ARRL for permission to post "Why Summer 40m Propagation Is So Good Between Japan and the US Pacific Coast" (QEX SEPT/OCT 2022 p.14) to hamsci.org. Full access to QEX is provided as an ARRL membership benefit. Both articles are also translated and published in the Japanese CQ HAM RADIO/QEX MAGAZINE.
Congratulations on your articles, Larry!