2017 IEEE AP-S Student Design Contest
2017 IEEE AP-S Student Design Contest

The IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) has announced the 8th IEEE AP-S Antenna Design Contest for undergraduate and graduate students. The goal for teams: "Design and build a cubesat antenna for enabling high-performance communications with a ground station." The antenna design must meet a number of specifications including VHF, UHF, S-band, X-band, and Ku-band coverage as well as compatibility with a 3U cubesat among others.
The contest will extend from fall to spring with preliminary design proposals due by November 28, 2016. From the submitted proposals, reviewers will select the teams for the semi-finals. These semi-finalist teams shall receive $1500 to construct and test their design before their final report on March 31, 2017. The six finalist teams will be awarded a stipend to travel and present their work at the IEEE AP-S Symposium. At the conclusion of the symposium, the judges will announce the contest winners. There will be awards for the top three teams and all of the six finalist teams may submit their final project reports for possible publication in the IEEE AP Magazine.
More information on the contest may be found at the IEEE AP-S Antenna Design Contest website: http://2017apsursi.org/StudentDesignContest.asp